Businesses invited to unite & market under one banner
Ted O’Brien, left, with Reimagine Nambour Facilitator Kerry Brown and Chairman Peter Boyce at yesterday’s launch… “We now have a clear vision with which everybody can align”.
Nambour’s new brand identity was unveiled yesterday embodying the diversity, resilience and pride representative of the town’s business community.
The ‘I am Nambour’ brand has been developed as part of the Nambour Economic Transition Strategy (NETS) and invites business to collectively market under one consistent look and feel to encourage business investment and pride in the town.
The new look intends to provide a consistent marketing thread for the key business drivers in Nambour - health, education, agriculture, IT, arts and culture and will ultimately help to attract investment opportunities.
Reimagine Nambour facilitator Kerry Brown said the committee have been excited to be a part of the engagement process and are now thrilled to be able to show the community the result.
“What is great about the – I am Nambour – brand identity is that it embraces Nambour’s name and can be connected with the aspirations of all industries within the town,” Ms Brown said.
“Nambour is proud of its heritage, its uniqueness and its inclusive community and this new brand will connect all of that together.
“It will be able to help businesses to really show the rest of the Sunshine Coast and Australia that Nambour is a supportive community which encourages growth and diversity in business and works collaboratively to achieve great outcomes.
“As part of this new brand, we have also established brand ambassadors to deliver the varied and unique stories of Nambour which will be marketed on social media and our new website.”
One of the brand ambassadors and Chair of the Nambour Retailers, Rhonda Billet said the specific ‘I am Local’ campaign will kick off the launch of brand and she is encouraging businesses to jump on board and be a part of this collaborative approach.
“Over the next week I will be handing out ‘I am Local’ stickers so businesses can proudly market their Nambour business as part of the new brand identity launch – either by putting the sign on their shopfront windows, or they can download the logo for their social media and their websites. This is our opportunity to tell the world that Nambour has so much to offer,” Ms Billet said.
“We are incredibly lucky in Nambour to not only have a proactive community but we’re also seeing all levels of government coming together for this plan.
“Sunshine Coast Council is invested, as well as state government representatives, and our federal government representatives and I think that in moving forward, we’re going to create a stronger, more vibrant Nambour.”
Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien said Reimagine Nambour was established to help create a structure around the town’s future and create a roadmap for Nambour to transform its local economy.
“Ultimately this identity is owned by the local community, where they themselves are taking control of their own destiny. There so much such pride in the town and we now have a clear vision with which everybody can align,” Mr O’Brien said.
“What inspired me to help establish Reimagine Nambour was just seeing the unlocked potential of the town and you can see it in the eyes of the people from Nambour.
“You can see it in the entrepreneurship of the individuals, where they want to set up a not-for-profit or a business; or you can see it in the senior citizens who talk about not just the past, but where the town can go in the future; you see it in the young families and the kids around town.
“They're the ones who are going to be leading in the future. We have found a way to unlock that and to come together and unite.
“We are going to see big projects and investment happening in Nambour. These big projects will inspire other people to invest their own private capital into the town – this is truly an exciting time for Nambour.”
Mr O’Brien said Reimagine Nambour was established to help wrap a structure around the town’s future and create a roadmap for Nambour to transform its economy while maintaining its distinct identity.
“There is so much pride in Nambour, and it’s there for all to see,” Mr O’Brien said.
“I see it on the faces of the people in the street; I see it in the eyes of the small business people who keep the local economy ticking; see it in the generosity of the community leaders; the commitment to service on the part of local not-for-profits; I see it in the enduring pioneering spirit of senior citizens; and, the love for life of young families and the positive ambition of the younger generation.
“I love Nambour, I believe in its people and I am excited about its future.”
The NETS sets out a strategic 11-step action plan which includes four overarching themes of transforming Nambour to a place for community, supporting local businesses, developing strategic export sectors to generate new wealth and embracing change.